5 Fall Routines to Manage Anxiety

October 10th, 2023 ANGEL TANG, AMFT
It is the end of the year, again. Many reasons cause you to feel anxious, and there are more reasons to fall into routines that may help you feel more connected with yourself and help manage those anxious feelings. Here are 5 ways (plus 1 more tip at the end)!

holiday anxiety


1. Be outdoors 

In most parts of California, we are lucky to have mild Autumn weather, making any time of year an ideal time for outdoor activities.  

Discover outdoor activities like hikes, nature walks, or bike rides and what activity you enjoy adding to your routines to enjoy the vibrant flavors and colors of autumn. By immersing your physical being in the outdoors and bringing awareness to the air and nature surrounding you, you can start to wake up those sensations that had possibly been concealed by other stimulations. 


2. Be handsy

Krank the oven on and bake something, pick some apples and pumpkins, and froth up your milk of choice. 

Touch a tree bark. 

You can incorporate handsy activities that engage your kinesthetic senses to increase your sensory awareness. By using your hands you also stimulate the development of neuropathways in your brain for learning new tasks and introducing new textile sensations, which can also release dopamine (a happy neurotransmitter) that boosts mood. Plus, who doesn’t enjoy a slice of warm fresh pie?


3. Be hygge

Hygge, a Danish concept of coziness and contentment, is perfect for fall. 

You can create a hygge routine of cozy evenings by sipping some soups or teas, lighting candles, and snuggling up with a warm blanket. Add a good book, a puzzle, a board game, or soothing music to make your evenings even cozier. 

This routine has the potential to reduce stress and “tap the breaks” on our busy lives, which can help manage anxious feelings. 


4. Be curious

Slow it down.

No really.

Slow. It. Down.

Look inward and adapt slow routines into this season of your life. 

What emotions come along with that anxiousness? What else is going on? 

Be curious about what you are experiencing, and with curiosity, invite non-judgment with these feelings.

Whatever you are feeling are true and valid. 


Thank you for acknowledging your emotions. They’ve been waiting for your non-judgemental curiosity. 


fall anxiety



5. Be creative


Decorate your living space, your phone’s wallpaper, and your wardrobe with fall-themed items that are meaningful to you. 

They can be fall-colored wreaths, pumpkin decors, mugs, and ceramics, and putting on those cozy sweaters. Switching up the colors in your surroundings and engaging visual senses activation with things that are interesting to you are great ways to invite experiences into your routines. 

Whatever colors you choose to wear and display around your home can serve as whatever intentions you choose to set this season. For me, my intention is to “slow down” during this season.


Bonus tip… Be shoeless

When was the last time you remember going shoeless and socks-less? and walking your bare foot on the sand, on green grass, or a pile of leaves?

By cramming our feet for the majority of our lives into shoes or sandals that prevent our feet from contamination (which IS important most days), we also lose tremendous opportunities to engage in sensory activations in these precious body parts!

The next time you try the first tip “Be Outdoors” and you find a spot in nature that your feet would not mind getting too soiled to the point of no return, or get discomforted or harmed by heat, sharps or objects, try intentionally removing your shoes and socks and explore our world with our barefoot.

Some examples can be by the beach, cut grass, a pile of leaves…

Notice the ways your feet feel and any emotions that rise up within you? How long could you keep your feet in nature? 


And experience it for yourself. Does this change your mood? your perception of the world around you? your perception of self?



I hope you got some ideas and entertainment through this post. This post is not a replacement for receiving professional mental health help through mental health professionals. If you are struggling with mental health issues, persistent anxiety, or other psychological illness, please seek professional psychotherapy. I would be happy to help! A free consultation is a call away.




Call to schedule a free 15 minutes phone consultation
1241 Carlsbad Village Drive
Suite 202
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Angel Tang, AMFT 137268 is supervised and employed
by Allison Arkfeld, LMFT 118095 at The Cove: Therapy & Coaching